Do ye like the comfort of home? Quiet evenings and no adventure at all? Then away wit' ye. Everyone else: Welcome to Pirate Hell.

Take command of a sturdy vessel and fight your way to honor, loot and glory in this little frantic arcade shooter. Power up your ship and fight hoards of enemies while helping an old captain to take revenge on his mutinous crew.
While ye be following your quest ye be exploring a large world, make port to sell the rubbish and buy precious equipment to gain the strength battlening even the mightiest bosses. With a sharp eye me be sure ye be finding secrets of high value.
Did I said comfort of home? Travel to your island and build your crew a cozy village (wit' some nifty and advantageous side effects).
So what ye be waiting? Take the helm and welcome to Pirate Hell.

- fast arcade pirate shooter on the high sea
- campaign with 19 mission including 5 bosses
- generated side quests for infinite quest support
- explorable world map
- upgrades for your ships and your town
- and some secrets :)